I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

Thoughts from a woman who is somewhere between the "Sex and the City" and "Golden Girls" stage of life.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

52 Weeks: Week 16

There was another war protest in D.C. during that weekend. Many compared it to the protests against Vietnam. This photo is from a book about the 60s. I was very young during Vietnam...born in 1966. My brother was born in 1964, and he claims to remember watching the news about the war. I truly don't remember much about it. However, I do remember the concept of Peace and the Peace Sign. You know, if I hadn't been born into such a conservative family, and if I was a bit older, I would have probably been a "flower child." I am fascinated by the whole counter-culture thing, although not all of it. Throw out the sex and drugs, and some of the concepts are very interesting. In many ways, I am rebelling against the conservative values of my ancestors. In some ways, I am "anti-establishment." I just know that I am currently rejecting old traditions and the way things were and replacing them with progressive beliefs and trying new things. My family and ancestors are very traditional, and I am very progressive. Even when we try to avoid discussing politics and religion, our differences shine through in almost every conversation. Here's to Peace, man! Make Love, Not War! :)