The New Look of "40 and Over" Demographics

This is what "middle age" looks like now! As we enter our 40s, 50s, and 60s, we are going to show the world a whole new way to live. As Boomers and Gen Xers reach midlife, media and advertisers better get ready for us. No longer will they be concerned with reaching the younger demographics. No longer will they see the over 40 group as "old and set in their ways." We may not be young anymore, but we sure do act like we are! And we like a lot of the same things that our kids like, so they better try to get us to buy their products. We have the money, and we are a large demographic. And we LOVE to try new things! Our parents may be set in their ways, but not us! We THRIVE on adventure and change! So, to all media corporations who are planning their televison season, film schedule, and other media--if you want to make money, you better take a good luck at what WE like to spend our money on. We want to see shows and films that appeal to US. We want to read books and magazines that speak to our needs. And we will buy MANY products that you originally thought were geared toward younger people. We demand products and services that speak to US! And if you are smart, you will find out what we like and bend over backwards to try to provide it for us. If you want to make a lot of money, that is! It's our turn now! We are going to rock your world and turn it upside-down! All bets are off now--no more preconceived notions of what constitutes "The American Dream." That was the 20th century, and that was our parents' dreams. We are going to recreate what it means to be an American in the 21st century. You better get ready!
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