My 40th Birthday!

Today is the day! Happy Birthday to me! I feel great! So here is what I look like today, the day I turn 40 and join the group of women in their forties. It's a great group to join! I can think of MANY women in this age group that I admire and would like to emulate. I can also think of many women in their fifties and sixties that are wonderful role models for us "forty somethings." Nothing but a good attitude here...not "Lordy, Lordy, look who's forty!"...more like, "I'm finally forty! Yippee!"
My plans for today? Spend the day on myself, of course! Get primped and pampered, go shopping, maybe get a professional portrait made to commemorate my special day. Even though my life still revolves around things like school schedules and other people's plans, I will have several hours today to focus on ME. I will write in my journal, I will meditate on my future plans, and I will welcome a new decade with happiness and anticipation. I'm not just "turning 40," I am entering one of the most exciting decades of my life! I can hardly contain my excitement! It's going to be a wonderful decade! My "fabulous forties"! Hooray!
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