52 Weeks: Week 49

Watching and waiting...waiting and watching. This is the window I often use to watch people ride by our house, stop at our for sale sign, take a flyer, and spend a few minutes looking at our house from "curbside." I think we have good "curb appeal," but not everyone calls and wants to tour the inside of the house. Some do, though, and we have shown several families around our home hoping they would soon want to call it "their home." Selling this house has become an all-encompassing task: everything else is lined up and ready to go, but we really need to sell the house and be free of the mortgage before we move. We aren't planning on buying anything for a while, and we have some possible rentals lined up...still, paying the mortgage on this house would be a very difficult task if we were also paying for living expenses in Florida. So, not only am I waiting (not so patiently!) for someone to buy our house, I am waiting for a whole new life to begin once this happens. I am so excited about the future! I can't wait to begin! It is SO hard to hang in there through delays...it makes me wonder if it will EVER happen! I know it will, I just have to hang in there through the duration. The end result will be wonderful, but the process is long and grueling...kind of like going into labor. I feel a lot like I did at the end of my pregnancies: an anxious "lady in waiting." I knew that wonderful times were ahead, but the tough stage at the end, as well as the intense labor required, was not easy to endure. But I did endure, and the end result was my wonderful life as the mother of two children. So now, we are in the "last trimester" of our moving plan. Our "due date" has come and gone and now we are "overdue." We must be patient as we wait...the time will DEFINITELY arrive soon now. We will have to endure some intense labor as we achieve our final goal of moving, but the end result will be worth all of the hard work. I know this, logically...still, as I watch and wait...wait and watch...it isn't easy to convince myself that the time is near. Sometimes it feels like it will NEVER happen! But it WILL...and I will hang in there and wait as long as needed. (SIGH!)
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