52 Weeks: Week 44

"When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window." This really seems to apply to my family lately. Our house is on the market, but this is probably the WORST housing market America has seen in a long time! We NEED to sell our home soon so that we can move, but our home is just one of MANY on the market, and not much is selling...at least not very quickly. Add to that, a recent job interview proved to NOT be the right one, so the options are narrowing. AND...the plan to move during the summer and start school in Florida just did NOT materialize...my teens just started school this past week. My daughter is in middle school, but she tells everyone that she is moving to Florida SOON! My son had to start his high school years here...the plan was to be in Florida for the first day of his four-year high school experience. BUT...sometimes the timing isn't always perfect, yet it can STILL work out in the end. Since they are starting school a few weeks earlier than they would in Florida, I will let them have those few weeks back after we move in order to even out the schedule. If we stay here until the end of the first quarter or first semester, they wouldn't start school in Florida until the first day of the new quarter or semester. That means a few weeks off to get settled...not as good as a longer summer vacation, but it could work out to be a good thing. If we move after first quarter, they will have a few weeks off in October. If we move after first semester, they will have a few weeks off in January. Those could be great times to be out of school in Florida! :) Anyway, things are still looking positive even if our timing is off a bit. We are all still very much looking forward to our new lives as Floridians. So...the door may have closed for now, but a window will open in the future. The door here WILL close, and the window there WILL open...we just have to be patient and keep the faith. We're trying! :)
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