52 Weeks: Week 42

As I look at the official flyer we have made to advertise our home for sale, I am getting a bit sentimental. If I was a mother with young children again, this house would sound like the absolute perfect home for us! We have really enjoyed living here, but we have outgrown the place. I hope that there is a family very much like we were when we moved in...a family looking for a great place to raise young children...and I hope we reach each other at the right time in our lives. For us, the sooner the better so we can move on to our new lives in Florida. For them, a family who is ready to move in to the perfect home for kids and begin raising a new generation here. It really is a kind of reciprocal thing: something that was perfect for us is no longer the answer, and at the same time, this house can be the perfect answer for a young family. I hope we find each other soon! This house needs to nurture a new family through those wonderful childhood stages. We are ready to pass it down to a new generation. I know the housing market isn't so great right now, but if it is meant to be, then it will happen regardless of "trends." Wish us luck! (ALL of us: my family who needs to move on, and the new family who will take our place) :)
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