My 41st Birthday

Today I turned 41. It was a rather uneventful day--no big "pomp and circumstance" like last year. My family took me out to dinner, and I received a few cards and gift cards. I guess my birthdays will be rather boring for a while--that is, until I turn 50. I still feel good about being in my forties. I am very excited about my future plans. I am a bit frustrated with the delays I am experiencing regarding moving to Florida and becoming a full-time career woman. But I know that change is coming--it is right around the corner. All of the things I am waiting to do will all unfold in the upcoming year. By the time I reach my 42nd birthday, I hope to check off many things from my "to do list." So here's to being "forty-something." Anyone remember that show, "Thirtysomething"? I think we need more of those: "Fortysomething," "Fiftysomething," "Sixtysomething," etc. As Boomers and Gen Xers reach these milestones, their lives are going to look very different than previous generations. I think we should document these changes as much as possible, don't you? Happy Birthday to Me! :)
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