I Am 42 Now, And Life Is NOT Good!

This isn't even a very recent photo, but I haven't taken any photos of myself in a long time, so it will have to do. I guess I was actually about 41 and a half--no pics from 42 so far. I am now 42 years and 2 months old--and I am NOT feeling good about myself right now. As 2008 comes to a close, all I can think is: what a bad year it was for my family! It truly sucked! The crash of the housing market = STILL trying to sell our house! The crash of the economy and job market = STILL trying to find employment in Florida so that we can move there! Add to that things like: more than one health crisis, more than one death in the family, more than one financial crisis, more than one emotional crisis, etc....I honestly don't know HOW we survived this year!! But, we did--I guess I should be very grateful for that. But I have to say that we did NOT survive unscathed or unharmed. I know that some day we will see that our struggling and suffering made us stronger, but for now...it just sucked! I am having a very hard time finding the positives in the midst of all of the negatives.
So, as 2008 comes to a close, I am mostly feeling: GOOD RIDDANCE! What a bad year! I can only hope and pray that 2009 turns out to be a much better one for us. It can't get much worse, so I guess there is no where to go but up--at least I hope! PLEASE, 2009, PLEASE bring us some GOOD news...PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP!! I will resort to begging at this point!!
All I can say is this: I HOPE to be back in this blog with GOOD news throughout the upcoming year. I HOPE to document things such as: selling our house(and making SOME money off of it instead of owing money!), good jobs for both my husband and I in Florida(PLEASE! Someone PLEASE see what assets we would be to your companies!), FINALLY making the move to Florida(after about 2 years of trying!), getting my two teenagers settled into good schools(they know EXACTLY where they want to be if they could just GET there!), reaching weight loss goals AGAIN(yep--depression DOES cause weight gain!!), and just a generally happy life in our NEW lives that we have been trying desperately to start for so long!! I know..life is happening right now...but right now, life kind of sucks! I just want our lives to be BETTER in 2009!!
So that is my pitiful little update. I hope to be back here some day soon with GOOD news. The bad news is just too depressing to document!!
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