Giving Voice To My Dreams
Although I haven't updated my blog lately, I have spent a lot of time trying to put together a plan for my future. I have decided many things, including career plans and places that I would like to live in the future. I will complete a master's degree soon, just after my 40th birthday. My two kids will turn 12 and 14. I have divided my plans according to four upcoming stages in my life.
Stage One: raising teenagers. My oldest will be ready for high school next year, and my youngest will follow two years later. Long story aside: we will probably be moving to Orlando, Florida for this stage. We have many of the details in place already, and we are really looking forward to our upcoming move. Let's just say that we all have completely outgrown our life where we are now. I have found that something can seem just perfect for one stage of life, and turn into the worst place ever for another stage. We had a nice time--the kids grew up here--but we no longer feel at home here. So, Florida, here we come!
Stage Two: kids in college, my time to really pour myself into my new career. Both kids really seem interested in UCLA, so moving to California to avoid out-of-state tuition will be our goal. I also have some really big dreams and plans to further my career in L.A. The plan is to drive cross-country from Florida to California, spending time bonding with my soon to fly-away kids and gathering material to use in my future writing projects. Though I've taken this trip a few times before, taking it in a new stage in life is sure to cast a completely different tone to it. I am really looking forward to both the trip and my new life stage on the West Coast.
Stage Three: grown kids, free to do what I want to do! I have ALWAYS wanted to live in New York City! No one else in my family feels the same way, so when I am able to move for ME, then I will go. I have some big career plans and goals for this stage in my life. I want to fly first-class from L.A. to NYC--I have never flown first-class before, and I will wait until I am able to do it before I go! If all goes as planned, I will probably live there for the next 20 years or more. The thing I look forward to the most---living car-free!! At this point in my life, I will be ready to find other modes of transportation, including walking. I truly look forward to living in "The Greatest City in the World"!
Stage Four: possibly ready to retire, hopefully healthy enough to travel, time to prepare for the end of my life. Of course no one knows how things will turn out, but I have some close relatives near my age who are in the Washington, D.C. area. If they are still there when I reach this stage, I may use DC as my "home base" when traveling the world. I hope to go to all of the places I have always dreamed of visiting. I hope to do the things I have always wanted to do but just didn't have the time or money. I hope to complete my list of "Things I Want To Do Before I Die". I also want to spend time with my family and let them know how much I love them. At the end of this stage, I want to pass on my legacy to my loved ones and let them know how much I enjoyed my life and my time with them. Hopefully I will be healthy to the end, as many of my ancestors were. If not, I hope my loving family will take good care of me, but not at the expense of their own lives. I have seen this happen, and I want to be sure to plan for this stage in life so that I never become a burden to my loved ones. I can only hope that I live a long and healthy life without needing to implement a back-up plan, but I need one just in case.
And at the very end of my hopefully long and full life, I want to look back and see that I did everything I wanted to do. Life is not full of guarantees, but I know several 90 to 100 year olds who ended their lives feeling completely fulfilled. One can only hope to aspire to that. If life is cut short, then at least I tried to live each day to the fullest. I turn 40 the same year my grandmother turns 90--that gives me a LOT of hope and inspiration. Instead of feeling old and at the end of something, I feel young and vibrant. I look at my grandmother and think of all of the things that she experienced from age 40 to 90. WOW! If I am blessed with her longevity, I have 50 plus years to follow my plans!!
One can only hope, and one can only dream of what they want their future to be. Here are my hopes and dreams--now I just have to do the work as I strive to reach my goals. I am just as excited, if not more excited, about my future as I was as an 18 year old girl who dreamed of college, love, marriage, and family. Those stages have been wonderful, but there are more stages to come--and they can be JUST as wonderful! :)
Stage One: raising teenagers. My oldest will be ready for high school next year, and my youngest will follow two years later. Long story aside: we will probably be moving to Orlando, Florida for this stage. We have many of the details in place already, and we are really looking forward to our upcoming move. Let's just say that we all have completely outgrown our life where we are now. I have found that something can seem just perfect for one stage of life, and turn into the worst place ever for another stage. We had a nice time--the kids grew up here--but we no longer feel at home here. So, Florida, here we come!
Stage Two: kids in college, my time to really pour myself into my new career. Both kids really seem interested in UCLA, so moving to California to avoid out-of-state tuition will be our goal. I also have some really big dreams and plans to further my career in L.A. The plan is to drive cross-country from Florida to California, spending time bonding with my soon to fly-away kids and gathering material to use in my future writing projects. Though I've taken this trip a few times before, taking it in a new stage in life is sure to cast a completely different tone to it. I am really looking forward to both the trip and my new life stage on the West Coast.
Stage Three: grown kids, free to do what I want to do! I have ALWAYS wanted to live in New York City! No one else in my family feels the same way, so when I am able to move for ME, then I will go. I have some big career plans and goals for this stage in my life. I want to fly first-class from L.A. to NYC--I have never flown first-class before, and I will wait until I am able to do it before I go! If all goes as planned, I will probably live there for the next 20 years or more. The thing I look forward to the most---living car-free!! At this point in my life, I will be ready to find other modes of transportation, including walking. I truly look forward to living in "The Greatest City in the World"!
Stage Four: possibly ready to retire, hopefully healthy enough to travel, time to prepare for the end of my life. Of course no one knows how things will turn out, but I have some close relatives near my age who are in the Washington, D.C. area. If they are still there when I reach this stage, I may use DC as my "home base" when traveling the world. I hope to go to all of the places I have always dreamed of visiting. I hope to do the things I have always wanted to do but just didn't have the time or money. I hope to complete my list of "Things I Want To Do Before I Die". I also want to spend time with my family and let them know how much I love them. At the end of this stage, I want to pass on my legacy to my loved ones and let them know how much I enjoyed my life and my time with them. Hopefully I will be healthy to the end, as many of my ancestors were. If not, I hope my loving family will take good care of me, but not at the expense of their own lives. I have seen this happen, and I want to be sure to plan for this stage in life so that I never become a burden to my loved ones. I can only hope that I live a long and healthy life without needing to implement a back-up plan, but I need one just in case.
And at the very end of my hopefully long and full life, I want to look back and see that I did everything I wanted to do. Life is not full of guarantees, but I know several 90 to 100 year olds who ended their lives feeling completely fulfilled. One can only hope to aspire to that. If life is cut short, then at least I tried to live each day to the fullest. I turn 40 the same year my grandmother turns 90--that gives me a LOT of hope and inspiration. Instead of feeling old and at the end of something, I feel young and vibrant. I look at my grandmother and think of all of the things that she experienced from age 40 to 90. WOW! If I am blessed with her longevity, I have 50 plus years to follow my plans!!
One can only hope, and one can only dream of what they want their future to be. Here are my hopes and dreams--now I just have to do the work as I strive to reach my goals. I am just as excited, if not more excited, about my future as I was as an 18 year old girl who dreamed of college, love, marriage, and family. Those stages have been wonderful, but there are more stages to come--and they can be JUST as wonderful! :)