I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

Thoughts from a woman who is somewhere between the "Sex and the City" and "Golden Girls" stage of life.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

52 Weeks: Week 33

Yes! I finally can wear these skinny jeans! :) I still want to lose a few more pounds and burn ALL of the flab and fat away, but I'm getting there! I have been on a regimented weight loss plan for almost a year now, and I know it IS working, but it sure is hard work! I often hit "plateaus" when it seems that my weight won't budge anymore...then a few weeks pass and I drop another pound or two. My main mission right now: flatten and tone my abdominals. I'm doing MANY things to try to accomplish that: eating right, exercising (cardio AND crunches), and just staying active and healthy as much as possible. I still don't like my profile: the "baby bump" thing even though there hasn't been a baby there for many years!! It's getting better, but it is STILL there! I am DETERMINED to get strong abs without any flab!! I will continue to work hard and hope to see the desired results soon. In the meantime, I can wear these jeans! Yippee! Maybe they'll even be a bit too big on me when I reach my final goals! :)

Friday, May 18, 2007

52 Weeks: Week 32

Now that I have teenagers, I don't get these cute handmade cards and gifts anymore. But I have a HUGE collection of things from when they were younger, and I enjoy looking through them every now and then. Here are just a few things they made for me over the years. I am keeping every one of them! :) They did take me out to dinner this year and I enjoyed eating lobster, so the new way of doing things is kind of nice, too! I have really enjoyed motherhood! I know it lasts forever, but the role of mother changes drastically through the years. In the future, I know I will be hoping for at least a phone call or email from my grown children on Mother's Day. And they will probably find me looking through these old mementos every year, too! :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I Am Feeling SO Good! :)

I will write later about weight loss...still trying to shed the last bit and prepare for swimsuit season! But my goal of completing my degree was definitely a BIGGER goal than weight loss, and I feel VERY good about accomplishing this goal. Now I can move on to a whole new stage of life. First, we will proceed with our moving plans...still have some loose ends to tie up, and I am still searching for that first job to launch my new career. Once we get everything into place, we can begin a completely new and different lifestyle...and hopefully I will buy my dream car (Mustang) as a graduation present to myself. There are several things I want to do once I am a career woman bringing in a paycheck...purchasing a new wardrobe is definitely one of them! I will build my career and spread my wings...I expect to soar high! :) As I sat through the graduation ceremony, I was surprised that I suddenly began to seriously consider earning my PhD some day in the future. Watching the professors in their doctoral robes...hmm...having the title of "Dr." might be nice some day...and I can only imagine the pride I would feel when THAT day approaches!! But first, I need to earn some money...and maybe I can earn a fellowship and have at least some of the tuition covered...and then, who knows? If they can do it, why can't I? The answer is: I can!! I can do anything I set out to do! I am confident now!!

Author/Book Jacket Pose?

Magazine Pose?

Journalist Pose?

Professional Portraits at 40

52 Weeks: Week 31

Need I say more? Yippee, I'm finally finished!! I now have a Masters Degree!! Woo Hoo!!! OK, so I didn't take this photo of myself, but it is such an important day for me that I HAD to use it!! So, my 31st week of being 40, and I reached a major goal. I am SO happy! :)

Friday, May 04, 2007

52 Weeks: Week 30

I'm a "minivan mom" who wants a car makeover! :) I am dreaming of one day owning a red convertible Mustang...MUCH cooler than the minivan! I even dared to go to the local Ford dealership this week and look at some...they are SOOOO beautiful!! I practically drooled over them, they looked so good!! I wasn't quite ready for a test drive, but I will be one day soon! I can't wait to trade in the "Mom-mobile" for a red hot 'Stang! :)