I will write later about weight loss...still trying to shed the last bit and prepare for swimsuit season! But my goal of completing my degree was definitely a BIGGER goal than weight loss, and I feel VERY good about accomplishing this goal. Now I can move on to a whole new stage of life. First, we will proceed with our moving plans...still have some loose ends to tie up, and I am still searching for that first job to launch my new career. Once we get everything into place, we can begin a completely new and different lifestyle...and hopefully I will buy my dream car (Mustang) as a graduation present to myself. There are several things I want to do once I am a career woman bringing in a paycheck...purchasing a new wardrobe is definitely one of them! I will build my career and spread my wings...I expect to soar high! :) As I sat through the graduation ceremony, I was surprised that I suddenly began to seriously consider earning my PhD some day in the future. Watching the professors in their doctoral robes...hmm...having the title of "Dr." might be nice some day...and I can only imagine the pride I would feel when THAT day approaches!! But first, I need to earn some money...and maybe I can earn a fellowship and have at least some of the tuition covered...and then, who knows? If they can do it, why can't I? The answer is: I can!! I can do anything I set out to do! I am confident now!!