I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

Thoughts from a woman who is somewhere between the "Sex and the City" and "Golden Girls" stage of life.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

52 Weeks: Week 29

A big night for me...not quite graduation yet, but very close. As a writer, I had to present some of my work in a reading. I was both excited and nervous, but it went very well. It was great practice for a future book reading/signing in the future when I finally get something published. I have big dreams and I believe that I can make them happen. I have gained a lot from my graduate studies, but the biggest reward has been my boost in confidence. I am ready to go into the world and make my mark! :) It's going to be a wonderful and exciting adventure! :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

52 Weeks: Week 28

Apparently our planet needs some TLC. With Earth Day coming up, and the popularity of movies like "An Inconvenient Truth," I am inspired to think of ways I can contribute to the cause. I will admit that I am very much a part of the "disposable culture" and I have not been a very "green" citizen of the Earth. I used disposable diapers on my babies, I tossed many things into the garbage that should be recycled, and I always bring home my groceries in those horrid plastic bags.

I DO care, I really do...I just haven't done much to go the extra mile and find ways to get around a lot of these everyday occurrences. Truthfully, it would be MUCH easier if everything was set up a certain way and made recycling more convenient. For example, right now, our garbage service does NOT have a recycling bin or system set up, so I would have to haul EVERYTHING to various places to get them recycled. BIG INCONVENIENCE!! And my local grocery ONLY has plastic bags, so that's what I use...I buy a LOT of groceries, so I accumulate a LOT of bags...it would be difficult to bring in enough cloth bags to contain all of my groceries each week. And the packaging of the things I buy?...you want the product, you have to deal with all of the packaging.

I would like to see, first hand, how some people get around these issues. America doesn't seem to be set up in a very ecologically sound way, and those who do things "green" must really have to do things in unconventional ways. Oh, and don't even get me started on the many miles I drive each week...I live in the suburbs of a large city, and EVERYTHING requires long commutes to get ANYTHING done...absolutely NOT walkable and NO public transportation anywhere near my home. SO...first I have to MOVE to a place that IS walkable and has access to good public transportation before I can fix THAT problem. Anyway, I am trying to find ways to be "greener," but it will require a complete and utter lifestyle change. I'll see what I can do!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

52 Weeks: Week 27

Another possible "diet buster"! Someone gave me a chocolate bunny for Easter, but that someone shared with me so I only ate a little bit. Hopefully walked it off the same day! No more chocolate, people...you're killing me!

52 Weeks: Week 26

Possible "diet buster"! But it all worked out...husband's birthday cake was a four-layer yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I had a few small pieces but continued to walk five miles every day. I don't think I blew it too bad!

52 Weeks: Week 25

Well, couldn't find anything for April showers, so thought about water. I drink LOTS of these every day! I am trying to stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks. I also drink water when I'm feeling hungry and the hunger goes away. The BEST thing for me!

52 Weeks: Week 24

Wearing green on St. Patrick's Day...yeah, I wear this shirt a lot because it is one of the few that I have that are fitted and not baggy. It makes me look thinner than the big, baggy shirts I used to wear. I plan to buy more clothes in my new smaller size this summer...hope I stay this size (or smaller)!

52 Weeks: Week 23

Spring Break trip to the beach. Gorgeous sunrise over the ocean! Had a wonderful time!

52 Weeks: Week 22

Ready for Spring Cleaning! The beautiful weather outdoors made me ready to get the indoors as fresh and clean as the outdoors. I love Spring!

52 Weeks: Week 21

Enjoying the beauty of Spring in the great outdoors. We have a very wooded backyard, and the dogwoods were blooming beautifully around this time. Welcome Spring!

52 Weeks: Week 20

In honor of President's Day, here's an idea! Of course, she says she isn't running, so that isn't really an option. We NEED a woman president, and we NEED a person like Oprah! Sorry, Hillary, but you're just not Oprah! Not to mention, if you're planning on bringing that pervert into the White House again, then forget it! If only she would have stood up for herself and dumped him...but now WOMEN everywhere should want to keep someone like him OUT of there. Can you imagine what kind of nasty stuff he'll do if he goes back? A woman needs to run the country, but don't drag a nasty perv along for the ride! Dump him and keep him away from D.C. and maybe I'll reconsider! I bet a SINGLE woman would do a FANTASTIC job as President!! We don't NEED a "first husband" anyway! Just an idea whose time has come!

52 Weeks: Week 19

Valentine's Day--we had a simple one, but the love I have for my family takes much more than one day to celebrate. They didn't want their photos posted, so I altered them in an artistic way. :)

52 Weeks: Week 18

Working on my final project in graduate school--will receive my Masters Degree in May when I complete the project. I went over the checklist to make sure that I turn everything in on time.

52 Weeks: Week 17

Ok--a silly one, I'll admit. But there is always SOME channel that shows this movie on Groundhog Day, often more than once. So, to things that seem to keep happening over and over again...maybe it's de ja vu, or maybe it's Groundhog Day!

52 Weeks: Week 16

There was another war protest in D.C. during that weekend. Many compared it to the protests against Vietnam. This photo is from a book about the 60s. I was very young during Vietnam...born in 1966. My brother was born in 1964, and he claims to remember watching the news about the war. I truly don't remember much about it. However, I do remember the concept of Peace and the Peace Sign. You know, if I hadn't been born into such a conservative family, and if I was a bit older, I would have probably been a "flower child." I am fascinated by the whole counter-culture thing, although not all of it. Throw out the sex and drugs, and some of the concepts are very interesting. In many ways, I am rebelling against the conservative values of my ancestors. In some ways, I am "anti-establishment." I just know that I am currently rejecting old traditions and the way things were and replacing them with progressive beliefs and trying new things. My family and ancestors are very traditional, and I am very progressive. Even when we try to avoid discussing politics and religion, our differences shine through in almost every conversation. Here's to Peace, man! Make Love, Not War! :)

52 Weeks: Week 15

I Have a Dream...In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His dream was beautiful, and in some ways, it is coming true...in others ways, not so much. Many of us truly do not judge people by the color of their skin...it is irrelevant to the person inside. Others have trouble seeing past basic things on the outside of a person: skin color, attire, environment, etc. Dr. King had a beautiful dream...I believe that it is possible for at least the majority of Americans. Those who can't get with the program can just back away and leave the world to those of us who can.

52 Weeks: Week 14

My New Years Resolutions were just a continuation of things I planned to do during the year that I am forty years old. Here is the list that I go over daily to see what I can do to make them happen. Forty Things to do While I'm Forty: aka my New Years Resolutions.

52 Weeks: Week 13

Welcome 2007! I plan to make this a wonderful year! I will spend MOST of the year getting everything ready for a new life, then the rest of the year LIVING it! Happy New Year!

52 Weeks: Week 12

Me Cradling Santa...because I MISS him and I MISS staying up late and "being Santa"! I LOVED those years, I really did! Those years are gone, though, and we do things very differently now. But sometimes I get sentimental when I see reminders of how things used to be! Especially when I see the annual photos with Santa that my kids did for many years! Bye, Santa! I miss you!

52 Weeks: Week 11

I Love Target!! The sign for I love you, and a Target shopping bag...creative? Maybe not, but it says what I wanted to say. I did almost all of my Christmas shopping at Target this year. They had some really nice things! WalMart may be cheaper sometimes, but the selection at Target is just SO much better! So, Target...or as some say, Tar-zhaay...I love you!

52 Weeks: Week 10

Christmas Lights...what a mess! These outdoor lights were so tangled, I gave up and threw them out! I continued to decorate for the holidays, but I skipped the outdoor lights this year. One of many things that are changing around our house each holiday season. This is truly a time of transition, not just for me, but for my entire family. Change is good! :)

52 Weeks: Week 9

Once December arrived, I began preparing for Winter. I decorated the house with a Winter Wonderland theme. One of my favorite things is this snowball candle. It looks real, doesn't it? I also found a nice "fake leather" jacket and glove set. Now that I am ready, bring it on!

52 Weeks: Week 8

Am I really the mother of a 14 year old? Yes, I really am! And in a few months, my youngest will be 13! Mom of teens...it's official! Funny, sometimes I still feel like I'M a teenager in some ways! It's hard to believe that I am now on the other side of the parent/teen equation! We had pizza and sodas for dinner, but I kept my servings small. I also only ate a very small piece of cake. I have learned to participate without overdoing it. What a blessing!

52 Weeks: Week 7

Thanksgiving--I am SO proud of myself! What normally turns into a gorge-fest was more like a taste-test for me! I used a small plate and tasted tiny portions of several things. I felt full, but not stuffed. And I continued to walk five miles every day...even after Thanksgiving dinner! Yay for me! I was so worried about messing up and gaining weight again, but I did very well! And people I haven't seen in a while gave me a lot of compliments about losing weight...and they saw me walking, eating light, and drinking water. It works! It really works!

52 Weeks: Week 6

Veteran's Day...pray for our troops. My praying hands pose against a photo of a soldier in Iraq. Regardless of one's position about the war, I think we ALL agree that our troops deserve our unwavering support. I have the utmost respect for them and want them to be safe and return home to their families one day soon.

52 Weeks: Week 5

Midterm Elections: yeah, I voted! In the past, I've been known to miss elections, even the big ones. Not anymore! AND...everyone would be surprised to know that I didn't vote straight Republican this time. I used to be SO conservative! Even though I am becoming more liberal in many ways, I refuse to be pigeon-holed into one particular party. Actually, I HATE partisian politics! I wish a third, more moderate party was a realisitic choice. I can side with lefties on things and vehemently disagree with them on others. The same can be said for the right. I am ME...NOT a party or a group, and I refuse to spew the rhetoric of either side. Having said that, anything that gets women elected to powerful positions is almost always a good thing! I was THRILLED to see the first female Speaker of the House appointed! Her party is irrelevant, in my opinion. Just get more women in there! There SHOULD be at least 50% females in Congress, on the Supreme Court and IN THE WHITE HOUSE!! I choose to believe that the 21st Century will be seeing MANY women being appointed to MANY high powered positions. This is only the beginning! :)

52 Weeks: Week 4

Photo of bucket of candy on computer, with my hand pretending to grab some! Hmm..maybe THAT is the secret to keeping the weight off...just keep "virtual candy" around instead of the real thing! I did pretty good when Halloween arrived and the real candy was around. I did partake in a few goodies, but I continued to walk five miles every day and I didn't overindulge. The weight kept coming off and was a great motivation for continuing my routine as the holidays approached.

52 Weeks: Week 3

Since it was officially FALL at this point, I wanted to focus on my new fall wardrobe. I had worn flip-flops most of the summer, so now it was time for boots and boot-cut jeans. There were sweaters and long-sleeved shirts, too...but I thought it would be fun to focus on the major change in shoes: from flip-flops to boots...and from flats to heels, too.

52 Weeks: Week 2

Another repeat, but from a different perspective. I want very much to get my body back into the shape that it was THEN! It may be two kids and 22 years later, but I refuse to believe that it is impossible. I have seen women in their 60s with a body like that! I think my measurements were 36-21-34!! Yes, a 21 inch waist! I would be happy with a 24 inch waist, but this photo is proof to me that I am NOT being unrealistic. I am NOT looking at stick thin models in magazines for my role models...I am looking at pictures of ME! I am determined to get that body back, even if a bit of surgery is involved!

52 Weeks: Week 1

Repetitive, I know. But I AM going back to my 40th Birthday and documenting my life since then. SO this is me on my birthday, and now I will try to submit something from each week afterward. The good news is: I have kept the weight off, more or less. The bad news is: I still don't have the figure I USED to have and I'm STILL trying to get it back! I have seen women who have MORE kids than I do and gained MORE weight than I did and STILL managed to get a nice flat stomach! I am working very hard on this and HOPE to get into shape for swimsuit season. I may NEVER have the body I had at 18, but I am TRYING to get as close as possible!

Whoa! 40 and 1/2 already and no new posts!

Sorry to neglect you, my poor blog! Too busy doing oh so many things! Still LOVING being forty, though! Discovered some cool things on the internet. Youtube is great! I found some people doing video journals and now I am inspired. I also found some great things over at Flickr. A favorite is the 365 Project with daily self-portraits. After looking over my video and photo collection at home I discovered something: I am DEFINITELY the family photographer! In some ways, that's great because I LOVE it! But that means that I am BEHIND the camera for almost ALL of our family photos and home movies! There are only a handful of pictures that include me, and most of them are not exactly my best photo moments. There are even fewer videos that include me, and that is going back all the way to 1992 when I first began our home video collection when my son was born. I am in my wedding video from 1985, and I am, of course, in the video of both of my children's births, but that's about it. After that, I was always the one behind the lens.

SOOO...since I was inspired by some of the women who are detailing their lives and creating wonderful documentaries and photo journals of themselves, I thought, why not? My childhood photos are scarce, my teenage photos are few and far between, my 20s were barely documented, and my 30s seem to have all but disappeared...so I guess now would be a good time to start documenting MY life as it is in my 40s. I don't look as good as I would like when it comes to posing for photos, and my life isn't exactly how I want it to be right now at this moment in time, but why wait? If I wait until everything is "just right," I may NEVER get going on documenting my own life from my perspective. Since I am already more than halfway behind my first year of my forties, I guess I won't be officially joining the 365 project. Actually, I found another group, 52 Weeks, that fits me better because time goes quickly these days and before I know it, another week has passed. I MAY can get in SOMETHING every week, but every day...no way! I'm not really ready to make it all official, so I'll just experiment posting to my blog and maybe I will start the official group on my 41st birthday, when I offically join the "forty-SOMETHING" group instead of just being dead-on forty. It should be interesting trying to think of things to document!

Oh, some of the rules seem to be: MUST be taken BY the subject OF the subject, but can be ANY part of the body...some days I just won't be willing to face the camera, so a hand or foot will have to suffice. I have seen some very creative photos: shadows and reflections count, back of the head counts, hands/feet/arms/legs count, bellys count (but NOT ready to focus on THAT yet!), and all other body parts as long as it is somehow included in the photo. It is SUPPOSE to be one photo each day, or at least one photo each week for the 52 weeks. I am so far behind that I am "cheating" a bit..that's why I'm not going to do it "officially" until I am ready to do it right! I looked back over my digital photos from the past six months, and I also looked on the internet for current events. Then I took the photos and added a hand or other body part to emphasize it. I included some photos that I took as I began to experiment with this concept of self-portaits. The solid concept that runs through all of them is this: ME at 40! All of them were taken since my 40th birthday. I will be doing the weekly thing from now on, but will probably just post them here until October. I MAY begin the daily photos at that point...not sure yet.

So this is my introduction to my life in my 40s...I feel like it is the beginning of a whole new era for me, and this would be a great time to document that transition. It may be fun trying to think of ways to show "my life" without focusing totally on motherhood as I have for so long. I FINALLY understand...I am not JUST a mother, I am a woman! And it is time I began acknowledging that fact and look at my life from a womanly perspective. Here we go...